You can set several drive-time rings by dropping them in along the time range. Existing drive-time durations can be easily drug about or removed. You can drop in a bunch of rings and choose to evenly space them as well. A traffic multiplier manipulates the underlying posted speed limits of the road network to offset the actual area the one might cover in variable conditions.
Here are 5, 20, and 45-minute drive-time areas from downtown Carson City, near Lake Tahoe. It's interesting to see the drive-time warp around less accessible mountainous areas and inaccessible bodies of water.
Here are ten drive-time rings radiating out from Garden Grove, CA, where the dense road network of greater LA provides pretty consistent coverage in all directions.
My commutable area. I live at the origin pin and IDV lives at the southern edge of the 20-minute drive-time area. Right on.
Driving in the Columbia River Gorge is an exercise in cliff-hugging. Here is the zone of possibility for a five-minute drive. I recommend all of it.
There is one way in and one way out when driving in the Florida Keys. Starting in Key West, the drive-time areas represent well the linear nature of island hopping.
Similarly to the Florida Keys, driving options are relatively limited in the Plaquemines parish of Louisiana. Here is a one-hour drive-time of ten evenly distributed 6-minute rings.
Here are those same drive-time rings moved over to downtown Seattle. The coverage is a much different dispersion than we found in the Mississippi delta in the previous image.
Finally, a one-hour drive-time area from the entrance of Great Smokey Mountains National Park. An application like this reverses the mental notion of a starting point and a cover-able area to a notion of where is my one-hour market?
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