Thursday, January 26, 2012

Double or Half?

Check out a dusty new chalkboard map of demographic doubling and halving...

How was this made?  With race/ethnicity voluntary response data from the 2000 and 2010 census, the current counts were compared to the previous counts.  Based on this simple comparison, counties having either twice (orange) or half (blue) the previous count were flagged.  These maps consider only the more generalized groups of Asian, Black African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian/Alaska Native, and White -not the more nuanced affiliations available for selection within these groups.  It is not based on more focused followup surveys, but rather the good old general decennial census.
Note, this census question is electively chosen by census respondents and individuals' preferences of identity may change, as well as the subtly shifting terms of the survey itself.
So take these maps with the caveat that some places can have already very low populations so doubling or halving can potentially happen quite easily -though in the context of the set of groups this issue actually provides an interesting dimension of comparison.

This map has been updated to correct for a miscalculation of doubled American Indian/Alaska Native counties in a previous version.  The update has revealed different, and more, counties where that population has doubled.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Color Fail

So, with the risk-laden legacy of having pointed out the failure of others to consider colorblindness when choosing data-driven colors schemes, I went ahead and picked a couple of "contrasting" colors that are virtually identical when wearing goggles of the two most common types of colorblindness...

A cutout from the original (check out the full image here)...

The baffling oblivion as seen by one who possesses deuteranope vision...

The less ridiculous but still largely useless incarnation as seen through protanope eyes...

Crow eaten.  Ah well.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Domo Arigato: The Striking Similarity of Roboto and Helvetica

A visualization of the design intersection of Google's Roboto font and trusty old Helvetica. Helvetica appears in cyan, Roboto in pink.  The overlap is, well, the overlap.

This image has been corrected since the original posting.  I had mis-labeled Roboto and Helvetica, but now all is better.  Maybe that's further evidence of their pronounced-similarity. Oh well.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Mapping the Truth

Lobbing this resource (click for a more in-depth discussion on how and why these options are important) into a single graphic.